So the overall energy of this year is healing the feminine energy, the world is starving for unity, for compassion for love, and most definitely the mother’s touch. I’ve been going through a lot of healing when it comes to my feminine energy since the year started. But the hardest has been about my mother and how much she blocked my sexual energy and blocked me from trusting a man or wanting to have a loving relationship. I can’t even explain how much I was pushed out for feeling wrong for feeling my sexual energy and the shame I was put through for being a woman.

It doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man, we all have feminine energy. We are both going to be faced with some hard truths about our mothers, or mother figures, and the number of times they have suppressed our gifts to our light. Realising they are not perfect, no more being a welcome mat, allowing her to tell you how to live your life, no more manipulating and whatever may come up for you.

Allowing the emotions to come up and face the hard truths will allow you to heal and let go of what doesn’t work for you anymore, and it’s not all bad. This will also allow your relationship to move forward with more respect for each other and to grow to the next level. The relationship may allow you to become closer to each other, or it could go the other way, where you realise that your life will be better with space. It can help you have more boundaries, as now it’s about your mental health and your peace, and you have no time for anyone else’s drama. It’s creating less drama in your life and by going through the emotions, and the triggers your mother has presented. Remember, it is the beautiful process of allowing you to heal and let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore.

There will be a lot of cord-cutting, may have to do it once you may have to do it a few times. For me, I went into a meditation which I also recorded for Insight Timer, please check it out. I’ll put the link at the end of the blog.

I met with my mother’s soul, and we had a wonderful chat went through everything with her my pain, my struggles, my joy, and my love for her. Then I allowed her to speak about her pain, her struggles, her joy, and her love towards me. It got me to understand where she came from and the patterns of our ancestors that were getting carried on into me, being the chosen one to break generational curses. I made peace with who she was, that she could change with me carrying her journey me taking on the pain that she needed to face and heal. It is not my journey and burden that I needed or thought I had to take on for her, believing I am her daughter and I love her so much that I needed to take care of her before myself. The whole experience was very eye-opening, and it was great to understand who she was and where she came from.

After the meditation, when I was ready, I had a little ritual to bless the women of our ancestors and my ancestors of my mother’s line. I expressed myself completely about how I have felt, and what burdens and triggers were embedded in me to keep me small and very angry. And all about the shame and guilt of being a woman and not being able to express myself as who I am.  I thanked my mum for being my teacher and helping me heal my journey, but it was time to hand back what was not for me to deal with. She needed to take back all the lessons that she needed to deal with for the growth of her journey, and I gave back her projections that she made me believe were mine. I then asked the archangel Michael to cut the cord with his blue flame sword and walked away. After having a good rest, as this process has been over a few weeks, I did a massive parasite cleanse which allowed me to release lots of crying, and also lots of joy and love for myself and my mum. Parasite healing is based on the healing method that I offer to my clients. Check out Transformation Shadow Healing under Services on the website. * The link will be below if you are interested.

I am so glad to have new and stronger boundaries, which are about respecting yourself and for others to respect you. I believe we can have a better relationship right now and move forward, I feel lighter, and I have discovered areas of myself that I love, and many others can’t stand. But who cares I am who I am, and you love me or hate me you choose, but you’re missing out 😄 haha!

Love yourself always and forever first, and let others do what they want and feel and protect. They are there to be your lesson and teacher, so give them thanks and forgive you will feel lighter, and you can enjoy joy more. Just see it like taking off that heavy backpack full of bricks and being free but don’t get me wrong, it’s hard to let go so take your time and be with yourself.

You may use my meditation method through an insight timer or what I have written on the blog, allowing time to cut the cord. Oh, just remembered the early days on my YouTube channel I have a video on how to cut cords. I’ll put it also below and allow your emotions to come up give yourself love and time to rest and let it all out whichever way you like, crying, anger, frustration, or loss and confusion. Embody and respect the feeling, trust the process it will go through you, and then the fun stuff starts like lightness, shining your light, and empowerment. 💪

Tip: It is also ok to walk away and cut your family or any people in your life who are toxic. However, it does not work unless we cut physically, emotionally, and energetically that is why it is a process, so take time with yourself until you are ready to completely walk away.

“I receive my love, compassion, and strength through my connection and grounding with Mother Earth, her vibe is pure and will always take care of me”

Lots of Love,
Mela 👑🧙‍♀️

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