I’m so sorry for missing the April blog, however, with retrograde, eclipses, full moons, Easter, birthday, brother’s wedding, and ascension flu. To be honest, I could not write or do much with life, but that is all about to change. I love the cooler air and the beautiful autumn trees and I just love being in bed all cosy and warm, listening to music, lots, and having those tough one-on-one conversations with myself. Shadow work at its finest.

Many can relate to having a very eventful heavy energetic April, and it has flown into May. May is going to be awesome. I am so excited, we have learned our lessons and let go of another layer of negative energy we didn’t need anymore. We keep passing our tests and being the good pupils of this world of school. We have leveled with our lives, our skin is thicker, our voices are being heard loud and clear, hate me or love who cares attitude, and it is all about ME 💗. It is the month to receive receive receive.

In one of my earlier blogs or YouTube, I can’t remember, I talked about how receiving is hard to do. We love to give, but most of the time, our instinct is to automatically help others, and are happy to give up our light to make others more comfortable. But how often are we willing to allow others to give back? Are you willing to open your heart, trust, and receive whatever gift the spirit has in store for you? These gifts can be from receiving some money, getting clients, starting a new project or business idea, a new relationship, love unions, a simple compliment without going into a story, or a deeper level of love for yourself.

May is going to be an amazing month. It will be light, it will make you feel motivated, you will be receiving gifts, and you will notice that you will be so proud of yourself. You will thank yourself for being strong and for not giving up. You deserve to feel proud you have come so far and have taken every challenge and every shadow lesson like a champ. Keep your chin high. I am giving you all a virtual hug. I am so proud of you, my followers, my clients, my friends, whoever you are, I am so proud of you. 😭🥰 after what feels like months

of work, it is now your holiday time, hopefully, a real holiday, however most definitely a spiritual holiday 😁, I think a spiritual holiday is definitely in order. The month is going to be blitzed, just feeling relaxed, accomplished, and proud, with no drama, no lessons, no tests. Just joy, laughter, community, hugs, sun whatever it may be for you, you are guaranteed just all good vibes all around.

During this month, you may also feel like you’re not quite on the same planet.  It feels like you’re in a different dimension. I mean, everything still looks the same and the world is still burning in flames, and you still have to go to work. However, the energy seems different, you are starting to talk differently, you may all of a sudden have different beliefs, and you have new boundaries. The way you think is different, the way you see is different. I can’t explain what is happening right now, but I feel like a newborn in a new dimension. It is time to start to physically and consciously feel what 5D feels energetically on the new earth. I feel like the split has almost completed just at the last stages, however, we can already live and breathe the new dimension of the new earth. 5D. I feel like we’re living in 2 split society and now the energy and our physical are starting to tap into this new energy. How amazing does it feel, I am so excited.

So far I am so in awe of this new feeling, that I am surrendering and trusting the process. All I can say is I still feel tired most of the time and I keep getting cold sores and tummy issues and this is the body purge. However, I feel like I’ve just woken up from a long coma and the body is slowly catching up. I know for now, I just need to listen to my body, I do whatever feel comfortable doing. If you want to stay in bed all day like I have, then go for it, if you want to run a marathon, then go for it, listen to your energy and what your body needs. Trust where you are being guided, trust you are on the right path, and it doesn’t matter if you are alone. We are alone on this journey and all we need to do is live this life in our true power, keep detaching, be present in the joy, and be grateful for this life.

Allow your old self, your old ego to die as we are now being rebirthed into our new self, new ego, bigger and brighter than ever.

“I am grateful for all that I have, and I am grateful for what is to come”

Thank you for this amazing ascension journey of true growth and healing. The beauty that lies within the shadow.


Love Mela 👑

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