This morning I had a beautiful chat on the phone with a man, a dear friend of a friend. I met him in the group but never had a 1 on 1 chat, and I couldn’t believe that a man who was grounded in his power and spiritually connected existed in this world. Yes, we have dreamed about it and wished men were connected. However, for over 40 years, I have never met a man with this energy. Men around me have been very hard and disconnected, and I suppressed myself to the point that I just allowed men to treat my energy badly, or it was just easier not to connect with masculine at all.

My goal this year on New Year’s Day is to heal my feminine and be more connected with my feminine energy. For most of my life, I’ve had to be strong, keep fighting for my life, to protect myself for survival, society is built on toxic masculinity, and women have had to step up and be like a man.   From the start of this year I have been loving connecting with my feminine energy, I have been having more deep and amazing friendships with beautiful women. I have been going out dancing, not only going out to the club,

I have been part of some breathtaking sensual dance workshops. I have been tapping into more of my inner child, by playing at the park and having a little swing, jumping in water puddles, and recently playing with my childhood dolls that I found. I have been dressing up in more feminine dresses and sexy clothes that make me feel beautiful, I’ve been having fun learning about makeup, I started to brush my hair and fix my hair in different styles instead of a ponytail, and I am having fun painting my nails in different colours, and I’m getting stronger with my body by going to the gym, looking after my body as I am going through perimenopause, I listen to my body by attending what she needs with this new chapter of changes and what does this change mean as a woman. My favourite is loving my naked body without shame and without relating it to sex or my body is only for men to admire or being only for use for sex reasons. It’s been an incredible journey, and I still have so much more to learn.

However, it has been strange that the masculine energy keeps coming up, the masculine has kept popping up in all areas of my life. It’s been amazing how the masculine has just been popping up in my life. Like being at the nude beach, it was refreshing how men talk to you and not your body, not making you feel uncomfortable or a sex object. The phone call this morning allowed me to be open and vulnerable, which I believe strongly believed I could never be with a man, mind you with just a friend, not a lover. By finally getting help to improve my business with a business mentor, instead of being a hard-headed ego masculine thinking I could do it all without help. Allowing my masculine energy to cry and let go of holding onto the warrior energy so tight, that I have to always fight for my survival and that being soft instead of strong is a weakness.

I am so proud of myself for allowing the masculine to be around my life and my body without pushing the masculine away with very tall walls and being in fear that something horrible will happen. However I chose, I wanted to do something different and let the masculine in with no walls, and no armour, and see where it would lead me. I have realised the masculine is the balance for the feminine, just as the feminine is the balance for the masculine.  The masculine feels safe, and protective, likes to feel balanced, achieve goals, and wants easy flow. By allowing myself to want to be around the masculine energy, there are amazing men out in the world.  I believe it is now time for the masculine to start stepping up and starting to heal the toxic energy and allow the journey of healing, which I am very excited about.

For February, it is time to give self-care to our masculine energy, we are all born with both feminine and masculine. We have done incredible work with our feminine, don’t get me wrong, this year is all about healing the feminine, and allowing the feminine to rebuild the energy of the world. However, we can not forget our masculinity and that the world needs the balance of the masculine, just as the feminine needs the masculine. So it’s time to rest, you may feel overwhelmed with life and require some quiet time, most definitely listen to your body.  Tap into your ego, yes I said your ego, which is your logic, which is your masculine side. Have a chat what your ego, listen to what your ego is trying to tell you behind your thoughts being negative or positive, and ask questions.  Ask your masculine what it requires from you, ask how you can make your masculine feel loved and supported.  Many meditations on YouTube and Insight Timer can assist you with healing your masculine energy.  Hug and give love to your masculine, let your masculine know you are there with love and compassion.  What is your inner child trying to tell you for example, my inner masculine likes to go on hikes in the mud, so when it’s a rainy day I will jump into puddles and stomp in the mud. My masculine likes old school V8 engine cars, the louder, the better. So when I hear one on the road, which is so rare these days, I will stop and admire and listen to the roar until I can’t hear it, I just love hearing the roar. I also don’t mind having a chat about engines with men ull be surprised how much I do know about how an engine works, I’m not an expert so don’t think I’m that educated, but I know enough 😆

So let’s bring out our inner masculine, let’s have a chat, let’s have a good cry, let’s have a hug out, let’s have some fun, and let’s have some hard masculine healing. And don’t forget to bring in your feminine to work together and balance the energy, let’s get the flow happening, and let’s play our part in healing the masculine energy for the earth. ☯️


The masculine and the feminine come together to become the best power couple within me 🙏✨”


Mela 👑

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